Online Voice Recorder

From one of our assigned readings this week, Hacking the Pandemic: Launching Third Space Into Cyberspace, author Brittany Bowser suggests adding a personal touch to your school library website to welcome your students, like an audio recording. I decided to check out the tool that she recommended to do this–Vocaroo

Vocaroo is an online voice recording tool. It is easy to use and would work well for a small project, like a welcome message.  

A few additional thoughts...

Vocaroo is free. 

Ease of Use
Vocaroo is a no fuss audio recording tool. Very simple to use and I think a decent tool for a small project like a welcome message. 

Overall, I recommend Vocaroo to teachers, school librarians, AND students! 

Have you used this tool before? Let me know what you think! 

You can find Vocaroo at vocaroo.com